From his adopter: “Since June 30th, 2022 when Breezy, aka Lil B, arrived at the barn he has been very busy learning that he has another speed than ‘run.’ Our work has been on manners and calm walks. Like any child he has been patiently protected first by his mother and the kind staff at the MSSPA. But now he has to learn that he must learn to work with humans. He has also been introduced, one at a time, to the herd and currently is spending his daylight hours with 2 horses. Max and Nickle happen to be full brothers and they take turns staying with Breezy in his paddock. Every night he comes back into his stall as do all the horses to get away from the bugs and to have the opportunity to eat and sleep without interference from another horse. By fall he will be introduced into the herd but he will slowly enter the pasture with Max and Nickle so he knows the boundaries of the pasture and then one by one the other horses will be allowed in with him over several days.”