From Clover’s Adopter: “Little Clover was adopted in May of 2022 after stealing my heart during our meet and greet in April. I think I was more nervous about the meet than she was. My heart was fluttering and I just hoped she liked me! We sent Clover to a local facility for a few weeks to get a kick start on her foundational skills. When she arrived she walked right off that trailer like she knew she was home. Some of her favorite things are to play with our mini Forrest and recently retired horse Hutch. She helps assist with all property chores and nickers like a bear for soaked hay cubes (they are her favorite!). She is the most curious little girl who has to have her nose in everything, including anything containing water! After her work with her new trainer, I quickly realized that he had very similar beliefs and we teamed up to continue Clover’s training weekly, hoping to put on a few rides this fall when she matures a little more. She thrives when she has a job and is challenged! What I love most about Clover – outside those large ears – is her heart. She puts everything into what she does, whether it’s trusting me or learning new things. The first time she let me wrap my arms around her neck and she rested her head on my shoulders she nearly had me in tears knowing she was going to be filling the future shoes of Hutch pre-retirement.”